A solar water heater turns cold water into hot water with the help of sun rays. Around 60 to 80°C of hot water can be attained depending on solar radiation, weather conditions, and solar collection system efficiency. They are used to heat water for houses, hotels, hospitals, restaurants, the dairy industry, etc.

At Sparkhomes, install solar water heaters on rooftops, building terraces, and open ground where there is no shading, facing the sunset and being fed with water directly from the leading supplier, using an overhead tank or through pumping. They will generate hot water on clear sunny days [full], partially cloudy days [moderate], but not on rainy days or heavy overcast days [they have a back up for these periods ].

There are specific systems for soft and portable water and other typical for hard water. Stainless steel is used for small tanks and mild steel for large tanks. Solar water heater tanks are insulated and keep water hot for 72 hours. 200 to 300 ltr. capacity are used in domestic settings, while large capacities are used in restaurants, guest houses, hotels, hospitals, e.t.c.

 All systems are designed for nonfrost areas
  • If the system is being installed in an area that drops below 4 degrees, a frost valve is required
  • All pricing excludes GST
  • Flat roof stand 2 x panel $560
  • Flat roof stand 3 x panel $910
  • Frost Valve Kit $196
  • Install consists of plonk on and tank install only. Flow and return pipes to be done by builders plumber
Spark Group of Companies is the fruition and culmination of years of hard work and tireless efforts towards realizing a dream. Elaine’s dream involved introducing a new housing concept in Australia, launching in Sydney. Having established herself in the Gulf with successful businesses, she is moving into the Australian market. Careful studies of the local scene led Elaine to believe there is a demand to overcome the shortage of rental properties Sydney is presently facing. The intention of Spark Homes is to do just that!
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