TS-04 Composite Decking Installation Case in Australia

Composite decking is being more and more popular on the market throughout Australia. Here is the installation case of  TS-04 composite decking.

Composite decking is the ideal replacement of the traditional bricks, floor tiles, ceramic tiles, with higher strength and better durability. Composite decking floor can be used up to 25 to 30 years, you don’t need to do any complicated maintenance work during its service life. Composite decking is a revolutionary building material for house construction. You can use it to build your house backyard with your wanted style, finding a better balance between nature and the environment surrounding.  

Composite decking can be applied widely in commercial and residential places too, including official buildings, shopping malls, airports, square places, and so on. Even for the private gardens, composite decking can be regarded as the recycling building materials.

What’s more, composite decking is made of the mixture of the combination of wood powder, recycling plastic, and some chemical additives. Last but not least, composite decking has much potential to be used with wide applications, you don’t limit your imagination about its functions.

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